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Malaghan Institute of Medical Research

Too many of our loved ones are dying and suffering from diseases we don't know enough about. But we do know the immune system holds the key to prevention, treatment and cures.

Together we can harness the power of the immune system and save lives.


Through helping the immune system better recognise and respond to cancer cells, our aim is to create gentler, more effective cancer treatments.

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Allergic and inflammatory disease

We’re investigating the underlying genetic and environmental factors that lead to allergic and inflammatory diseases to find new ways to target and treat these debilitating conditions.

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Infectious disease

We investigate the immune system's role in infectious diseases such as COVID-19, hepatitis B and influenza to find new treatments and cures.

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The biggest barrier to better treatments isn’t science, it’s funding.

Your donation today will help ensure our loved ones aren’t lost to diseases we have the power to fight. Because no one wants to hear the words, ‘there’s nothing more we can do.


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"When you support the Malaghan Institute, you’re not just funding research, you’re giving New Zealanders hope – hope that loved ones like my Karl will have access to better, kinder treatments, that families and friends will have more time together, and that disease will one day become a smaller part of our lives,"

- Professor Kjesten Wiig, Director

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This is what ground-breaking cancer therapy looks like.

We're running New Zealand's first CAR T-cell clinical trial, a revolutionary approach to fighting cancer that's transforming cancer treatment.

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Support our research

With your support we can gain a deeper understanding of how our immune system works to create better and more accessible treatments for New Zealanders in need.
