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Prof Graham Le Gros wins at the 2011 Wellingtonian of the Year Awards

18 November 2011

We are very proud to announce that Malaghan Institute Director, Prof Graham Le Gros, has won the Science and Technology category of the 2011 Wellingtonian of the Year Awards (The Wellys).

The Science and Technology award is presented in association with Hutt City Council, in recognition of the "intellectual capital of Wellingtonians".  Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace, who presented Graham with his award, says that "He [Graham] is an excellent example of the science, research and technology professionals who add vibrancy and innovation to our region and make a positive contribution to society." Read more >>

Graham is an incredible mentor and inspiration to all of us that work at the Malaghan Institute. His passion for immunology is evident in everything that he does. Whether it be presenting his latest research finding to an international scientific audience, or educating the community about the wonders of science – Graham's indepth knowledge, quick wit and crooked smile are always on hand to entertain and inform.

The Welly Award is a wonderful recognition of the quality research Graham is pioneering at the Malaghan Institute, right here in Wellington.

Link to the Stuff website to read a full list of 2011 Welly Award winners

Read more about the Wellingtonian of the Year (Welly) Awards

Read more about the 2011 Wellys Finalists

Read a recent media release
on Prof Le Gros' food allergy research