26 March 2014
When you think of Kiwi holiday spots, windowless laboratories do not immediately spring to mind. Yet for Otago postgraduate student Isabelle Stewart, the Malaghan Institute was the only place to be this summer.
Under the supervision of Associate Professor Ian Hermans and Dr Robert Weinkove, Isabelle undertook laboratory-based cancer immunotherapy research during her study break. Isabelle said she gained a lot of practical skills during her summer studentship and was inspired by the problem-solving abilities of her supervisors. Isabelle will draw on this experience as she embarks on her Honours degree this year.
For more information about our current study opportunities here at the Malaghan Institute, visit the Study with us section of our website or contact our Manager of Student Relationships, Dr Jacquie Harper on +64 4 499 6914 ext 869 or jharper@malaghan.org.nz.
This article features in the May 2014 issue of our Scope newsletter (Issue 53). Download the full newsletter here - 506 KB (PDF).