5 May 2014
While many were enjoying a Sunday sleep-in, a record 14,000 people turned out at Wellingtons waterfront on Sunday 23rd February to take part in the iconic AMI Round the Bays fun run.
This year marked the Malaghan Institutes third year as the Official Charity of this much loved community event and we were proud to see more than 300 people come together to show their support of our Run for Research fundraiser.
Thanks to everyone who got behind the Run for Research, over an incredible $49,000 was raised!
People of all ages from three to 83, from all walks of life and all fitness levels took part in the Run for Research, united by their motivation to join our scientists on the journey to find better treatments and cures for diseases that affect our friends, family and community.
Our runners were inspired by the enthusiasm of Newstalk ZB Radio DJ Jason Pine and athletic expertise of world-renowned runner Melissa Moon, our wonderful Ambassadors. An extra-special thanks goes to principal supporter AMI Insurance and AMI Round the Bays event organiser Sport Wellington.
Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved in making the 2014 Run for Research the most successful ever!
Keen to help support our scientists? You can walk, run, cycle, dance, or even juggle to make a difference any time of the year! Please call Victoria Hale on 04 499 6914 ext. 821 to find out more.
This article features in the May 2014 issue of our Scope newsletter (Issue 53). Download the full newsletter here - 506 KB (PDF)