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Head of Research Technology finalist in NZ Hi-Tech Awards

6 April 2021

Head of Research Technology Kylie Price has been announced as a finalist in the IBM Hi-Tech Inspiring Individual category of the NZ Hi-Tech Awards.

Kylie Price

The award recognises individuals who are making an outstanding contribution to a New Zealand hi-tech company and the hi-tech sector, are demonstrating qualities that single them out as an inspiring leader and achiever, and are achieving far beyond what could be considered their 'day job'. This year's awards attracted a record number of nominations and entries.

Malaghan Institute Director Professor Graham Le Gros says that the cancer research breakthroughs and allergic diseases discoveries we have achieved over the last decades have been only possible through Kylie’s efforts leading the development of the Institute’s biomedical research capability, introducing new technologies to answer questions previously unanswered, and provide new discovery opportunities for researchers across the sciences.

"The technology hub Kylie has helped build at the Malaghan Institute – the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre – is widely regarded as New Zealand’s centre of excellence for cytometry and other research technology including microscopy, genomics and histology platforms.

"Her leadership and vision have also helped foster a longstanding relationship  with the Hugh Green Foundation, which has provided >$11 million in funding to allow the Institute to invest in this cutting-edge technology."

Kylie was the first Kiwi to be elected to the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry and is currently its Secretary. She has been credited with pioneering the use of both multicolour flow cytometry and spectral cytometry in New Zealand, a state-of-the-art technology for cell analysis.

"The research technologies Kylie has introduced to the Malaghan Institute are supporting clinical trials for CAR T-cell cancer therapy, hookworm therapy for ulcerative colitis and COVID-19 vaccine research," says Prof Le Gros.

"She is a driving force behind our efforts to create a healthier New Zealand."

The winners of the Hi-Tech Awards will be announced on 28 May.