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Malaghan cytometry expert appointed to international leadership programme

28 May 2021



Malaghan Institute cytometry specialist and Deputy Manager of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre Dr Laura Ferrer-Font has been appointed to the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry’s Shared Resource Lab (ISAC SRL) Emerging Leader Programme.

The four-year ISAC SRL programme is designed to enhance and develop the next generation of leaders in the field of cytometry.

Head of Research Technology Kylie Price says the appointment is significant in the global field of cytometry and recognises Laura’s experience and skills, and importantly, her potential.

“Laura is exactly the type of leader we want coming up through the ranks and is an accomplished scientist who understands the role of service support, education and setting high standards which she leads others to achieve.”

Flow cytometry is an a state-of-the-art technology for cell analysis used at the Malaghan Institute, underpinning much of our research.

“Spectral cytometry enables us to deeply interrogate which cell populations are present and what these cells are doing in the context of the diseases we study,” says Dr Ferrer-Font. “With advances in this technology we’re getting unprecedented amount of information from each precious sample.”

The field of cytometry is advancing at pace – allowing scientists to design more complex experiments and gain even greater levels of detail from their samples. Dr Ferrer-Font plays an important role ensuring the Malaghan Institute stays at the leading edge of this fast moving field. 

“I am really interested in high-dimensional full spectrum flow cytometry and its applications to new biological contexts,” says Dr Ferrer-Font. “I’ve been involved in many different clinical and fundamental research projects, and I have expertise in developing and analysing multicolour high-dimensional panels to monitor immune responses across preclinical models and human clinical trials.

“I am also passionate about cytometry education and I am keen to help build collaborations and networking opportunities to share tools and knowledge that will benefit other shared resource labs, the Malaghan Institute and the cytometry community in general.”

The ISAC SRL Emerging Leadership Programme is designed to do exactly that; elevate talented individuals within the cytometry field to help promote education, application and operation of cytometry internationally.

“I am greatly honoured to become one of the new ISAC SRL Emerging Leaders for 2021-2024 and the first in New Zealand. The programme will offer me the privilege to connect with like-minded people from around the world and keep me and the Malaghan Institute up to date with the last advances and trends in the cytometry field.”