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Malaghan Institute scientist named as KiwiNet Emerging Innovator

20 September 2021

Malaghan Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Nathaniel Dasyam has been selected as a KiwiNet Emerging Innovator for his work on cutting-edge cancer immunotherapy.

The KiwiNet Programme, which provides both funding and mentorship, aims to inspire Kiwi scientists and build industry connections – helping transform scientific discoveries to commercial success.

As part of the Institute’s CAR T-cell cancer research and clinical trial, Dr Dasyam has been exploring ways to improve upon the trial and better understand how CAR T-cell technology can be applied to other forms of disease. 

“I’m grateful to be named as a KiwiNet Emerging Innovator,” says Nathaniel. “The programme will provide valuable initial funding that will allow me to test and validate a concept I have been working on as part of the CAR T-cell trial. I will also have a commercial mentor to help work on the core capabilities in translating my research. 

“Not only will this help progress my project within the CAR T-cell programme, but it provides a path to other funding and support through a range of initiatives and resources. This will help me better understand the aspects of intellectual property around my project, so it can be retained within New Zealand. More importantly the skills and understanding I gain through the programme will be widely applicable to my future projects.”

KiwiNet is a national programme of universities, organisations and Crown Research Institutes that collaborate, facilitate and streamline scientific discoveries to their relevant products and services to improve commercial outcomes for New Zealand.