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Malaghan RNA researcher named KiwiNet Emerging Innovator

4 September 2024

Dr Rebecca McKenzie has been selected as a 2024 KiwiNet Emerging Innovator for her research developing novel RNA therapeutics.

Dr McKenzie, who is a project leader in the Malaghan Institutes’ RNA technology development facility and one of seven pillar leads in the national RNA development platform has been developing research-grade RNA products for use in research projects across New Zealand.

“I’m very excited to be selected to join the programme and am looking forward to developing my commercialisation skills which I believe will be essential to support translational science coming out of the RNA platform,” says Dr McKenzie.

“The programme will help me on my current journey with the central RNA production facility where we are working to find our market and develop a service model to bring RNA technology to New Zealand. I’d like to acknowledge a previous Emerging Innovator recipient from the Malaghan, Dr Patricia Rubio-Reyes, for her encouragement to take the plunge as well as our business development and commercialisation adviser Jenn Anderson for her support with my application.”

Applicants for the award had to present a five-minute pitch on why their idea was worth funding, of which only a handful of candidates are selected each year. As a recipient, Dr McKenzie will take part in a series of workshops on commercialisation and entrepreneurship, as well as provided a mentor with the goal of making industry connections to advance her idea towards the commercial market.