3 March 2017
Our very first research update this year was held at the Malaghan Institute in Wellington. 60 supporters attended to hear about our biomedical research and scientific discoveries in immunology.
Professor Graham Le Gros spoke about our efforts and upcoming research investigation in immunotherapy for cancer and other diseases, about immune cell biology in asthma & allergies, our gut microbiota research and its impact on New Zealander’s health. He also covered our Multiple Sclerosis research programme and explored possible reasons why it is the most common central nervous system disease among young adults in New Zealand.
He gave a brief overview of opportunities how our researchers can improve New Zealand’s health. He finished his presentation with an outlook of the Institute’s next five years and answered many thoughtful and in-depth questions. The engaging evening ended with guided laboratories tours, hosted by our scientific staff.
Our upcoming research updates across the country are:
March, 16th – Christchurch City Research Update
August/ September - Wairarapa Research Update
We are also planning to host Research Updates in North Shore and Wellington later this year.
If you would like to register your interest for future events, please contact Jenny Sim, Development Manager: [email protected] +64 4 499 6914 ext 811