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Dr Kit Moloney-Geany

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Kit Moloney-Geany undertook his PhD at the University of Otago under the supervision of Prof. Parry Guilford, focusing on designing and improving non-invasive cancer diagnostic tests. Having gained a true appreciation for genomics, Kit then sought to apply his background to the complex world of respiratory pathogens and how the immune system combats these infections. Kit currently works under Dr Kerry Hilligan as part of the Tissue Immunity team.

Research interests

“I have always been interested in understanding how different cell types within the body communicate together to generate immunity to pathogens. Central to this is how structural cells, such as epithelial and fibroblasts, orchestrate where the immune cells need to go within a tissue, and how they support their function. By better understanding how these cells interact with immune cells, we can start to develop better treatment strategies”

“My current research project involves designing novel methods to study the formation, maintenance, and function of specialised immune aggregates known as tertiary lymphoid structures, that form at mucosal sites of infection.”